• First Aid

    For Our Common World

    Save the Planet - Unite the Armies

We introduce this campaign to support an initiative presented to the United Nations Secretariat by two professors: U.B. Lindström and Eero Paloheimo.

State of the global environment

This campaign stems from the concern that the global environment is radically deteriorating. The increasing speed of some of the dangerous developments is alarming, with the point of no return approaching fast.

A new global role for the Military

It is currently commonly accepted that the military are called to assist the areas affected by sudden disasters. That assistance should also be used to defend us against gradual disasters.

U.B. Lindström, professor

"Time is running out, while we are destroying the planet's resources. This must be changed and it can be changed. You can participate. Take action today."

U.B. Lindström, professori

Eero Paloheimo, professor

"We are in a hurry. We don’t have time for centuries, we have only decades. That is why effective and quick actions are necessary. The armies are the only possibility."

Eero Paloheimo, professori