This is our home planet.
The Earth: third planet from the sun.
We all live here.
All people in the universe reside on this planet.
We live here with animals and plants. Microbes live here too! :)
Around us are 400 billion solar systems.
The Milky Way - OUR Galaxy.
The Universe.
There are billions of galaxies in the Universe.
There are huge environmental problems on our home planet.
We are misusing our home planet...
...and by doing that we create problems.
Waste and pollution. Warm climate and rising ocean temperatures. Increased deforestation. Loss of living space for individuals of other species.
There are more humans than ever before.
We have grown beyond sustainable limits!
...just by living our lives...
...we destroy homes of others...
We can change things.
We made them.
We fix them.
Our home is the only planet with life.
We are destroying it.
You can help.
Vote for the initiative presented on this site.